On September 26, 2022, the Request for issuing an Integrated Permit was submitted for the operation of the plant “MG Serbien” Ltd. Baljevac and the performance of magnesium alloy production activities, at the location Bela Stena in Baljevac, prepared according to the Law on Integrated Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution (“Official Gazette of RS”, no. 135/2004 and 25/2015).
http://dvoper.rs/dvoper/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/mg-serbien.png450600dvoperhttp://dvoper.rs/dvoper/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Logo-1.pngdvoper2022-11-06 18:55:032022-11-07 08:11:30Submitted the Request for issuing an Integrated Permit for the operation of the plant “MG Serbien” Ltd. Baljevac and performance of magnesium alloy production activities at the Bela Stena in Baljevac
The company Dvoper d.o.o. developed the Local Action Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change for the Municipality of Mionica, using a participatory approach and the Methodology for Local Action Planning Adaptation to Climate Change, developed by the Permanent Conference of Cities and Municipalities with the support of UNDP. The local plan was created in close cooperation with representatives of local authorities in the municipality of Mionica and within the project Advancing medium and long-term adaptation planning in the Republic of Serbia, which was financed by UNDP Serbia.
http://dvoper.rs/dvoper/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Veliki_grb_Mionice.jpg338300dvoperhttp://dvoper.rs/dvoper/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Logo-1.pngdvoper2022-11-06 18:50:232022-11-06 18:50:24Prepared Local Action Plan for adaptation to climate change for the Municipality of Mionica
Dvoper Ltd. developed the Air Quality Plan for Air Quality Protection in the Novi Sad Agglomeration, for the period 2022-2026, which, based on the Law on Air Protection, is an obligation of the local self-government in which air quality is of the third category. After public consultation that was held on August 5, 2022 in the premises of the City Administration of Novi Sad, the Plan was sent to the Ministry of Environmental Protection for approval.
http://dvoper.rs/dvoper/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Logo-1.png00dvoperhttp://dvoper.rs/dvoper/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Logo-1.pngdvoper2022-07-07 18:41:002022-11-06 18:42:53Air Quality Plan developed for the Novi Sad agglomeration for the period 2022-2026
On May 20, 2022, a Request for obtaining the Integrated Permit was submitted for the Regional communal-sanitary landfill “Vrbak” Lapovo, first, second and third phases “FCC EKO” Ltd. Belgrade, according to the Law on Integrated Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution (“Official Gazette of RS”, no. 135/2004 and 25/2015).
http://dvoper.rs/dvoper/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Logo-1.png00dvoperhttp://dvoper.rs/dvoper/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Logo-1.pngdvoper2022-05-20 18:33:002022-11-06 18:35:50Submitted the Request for issuing IPPC Permit for the Regional communal-sanitary landfill “Vrbak” Lapovo, first, second and third phases “FCC EKO” Ltd. Belgrade
The Ministry of Environmental Protection issued the Decision on giving Approval to the Environmental Impact Assessment Study of the project of the construction project of the Belgrade Metro, Line 1, Phase 1 – Makiš Depot, Belgrade, Municipality of Čukarica. The project holder is PUC for the construction and carrying out transportation of passengers by metro and the development of the city railway in Belgrade “Belgrade Metro and Train” Belgrade.
http://dvoper.rs/dvoper/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/situacioni-plan-depo-za-vest.jpg10061200dvoperhttp://dvoper.rs/dvoper/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Logo-1.pngdvoper2022-03-23 18:19:002022-11-06 18:22:38The Approval was obtained for the Environmental Impact Assessment Study of the Project of construction of the Belgrade Metro, Line 1, Phase 1 – Makiš Depot, Belgrade, Municipality of Čukarica
The City Administration of the City of Zaječar gave consent to the Request for obtaining the Integrated Permit for the environmental pollution prevention and control, which was prepared by the company Dvoper. With this, Zaječar Brewery became the first brewery in Serbia to have an IPPC Permit and thus once again confirmed its commitment to constant improvement of its business and production in accordance with the highest standards of environmental protection.
http://dvoper.rs/dvoper/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/PivaraZA.jpg5341000dvoperhttp://dvoper.rs/dvoper/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Logo-1.pngdvoper2021-08-01 18:11:002022-11-06 18:13:21Obtained IPPC Permit for Zaječar Brewery
Within the Program “EU Project Preparation Facilities” (EU PPF7), an Environmental Impact Assessment Study of the project for rehabilitation, adaptation and reconstruction of the navigation lock HPP “Đerdap 2” was prepared. The project holder is the Department for waterways transport and navigation safety of the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, and the Project is financed from the budget of the European Union and the European Investment Bank.
http://dvoper.rs/dvoper/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/20210507_120251.jpg4501000dvoperhttp://dvoper.rs/dvoper/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Logo-1.pngdvoper2021-07-15 18:00:002022-11-06 18:02:25Obtained Approval for the Updated Environmental Impact Assessment Study for the Project of rehabilitation, adaptation and reconstruction of navigation lock HPP “Đerdap 2”
Dvoper d.o.o. prepared a study “Baseline study on hazardous waste management in Yerevan, Warsaw and Tirana” within the project “Capital Cities collaborating on Common Challenges in Hazardous Waste Management – Yerevan, Warsaw, Tirana (ENI/2019/412-943)”.
http://dvoper.rs/dvoper/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Picture1.jpg173900dvoperhttp://dvoper.rs/dvoper/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Logo-1.pngdvoper2021-07-10 17:46:002022-11-06 17:46:32„Baseline study on hazardous waste management in Yerevan, Warsaw and Tirana“
Dvoper d.o.o. developed the Air Quality Plan and the Short-Term Action Plan for Air Quality Protection in the Kragujevac Agglomeration, which, based on the Law on Air Protection, is an obligation of the local self-government in which air quality is of the third category. After public consultations that were held in the premises of the City Administration of Kragujevac, the Plan was sent to the Ministry of Environmental Protection for approval.
http://dvoper.rs/dvoper/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/2-10.jpg500750dvoperhttp://dvoper.rs/dvoper/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Logo-1.pngdvoper2021-04-15 16:21:002022-11-06 17:47:27Air Quality Plan developed for the Kragujevac agglomeration
The Ministry of Environmental Protection issued the Decision on giving Approval to the Environmental Impact Assessment Study of the project of mining works within the exploitation of solid mineral raw materials at the location of Čukaru Peki, on the territory of cadastral municipalities Brestovac, Slatina and Metovnica, Bor. The issuing of the Decision was preceded […]
http://dvoper.rs/dvoper/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/05.02-javna-rasparava-2-1.jpg450600dvoperhttp://dvoper.rs/dvoper/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Logo-1.pngdvoper2020-06-22 22:43:482020-06-22 22:43:48The Approval was obtained for the Environmental Impact Assessment Study of the Project of mining works within the exploitation of solid mineral raw materials at the location of Čukaru Peki
After years of dedicated work, we are pleased to announce that on September 30, the Ministry of Environmental Protection issued a Decision approving environmental impact assessment studies for new landfill projects with associated facilities at the Vinča site in Belgrade and the construction of the facility for energy utilization of municipal waste and landfill gas […]
http://dvoper.rs/dvoper/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/slika-vest-1.jpeg5981024dvoperhttp://dvoper.rs/dvoper/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Logo-1.pngdvoper2019-10-17 18:30:182019-10-17 18:33:36Approval obtained for Environmental Impact Assessment Studies for Projects: New landfill with supporting facilities at Vinča site and Construction of municipal waste and landfill gas plant “Vinča”
The company Dvoper ltd prepared the Local Environmental Action Plan of the Municipality of Malo Crniće for the period from 2020 to 2025, which was presented to representatives of the Municipality of Malo Crniće, the Public Utility Company and the interested public. Adoption of the document is scheduled for September.
http://dvoper.rs/dvoper/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/IMG_20190718_111521-1.jpg21993901dvoperhttp://dvoper.rs/dvoper/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Logo-1.pngdvoper2019-09-05 18:35:462019-10-17 18:37:34Local Environmental Action Plan of the Municipality of Malo Crniće was prepared
The Company Dvoper ltd. drafted the Request for defining the scope and content of Environmental Impact Assessment Study for the Project: New landfill with the accompanying facilities at Vinča location in Belgrade, Municipality Grocka – City of Belgrade, the Investor being the Company “Beo Čista Energija“ ltd. The Request was drafted in accordance with […]
http://dvoper.rs/dvoper/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/bce-logo.jpg94123dvoperhttp://dvoper.rs/dvoper/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Logo-1.pngdvoper2018-08-01 22:05:122018-09-26 22:07:01Submitted The Request for defining the scope and content of Environmental Impact Assessment Study for the Project: New landfill with the accompanying facilities at Vinča location in Belgrade
On 17 July 2018, the Ministry of Environmental Protection issued a Decision on the issuance of an Integrated Permit for the operator TITAN CEMENTARA KOSJERIĆ ltd, number 351-01-00372/2018-03 for the operation of the entire plant and performing activities of cement production at the location of the municipality of Kosjerić. The decision was made pursuant […]
Dvoper ltd. signed a contract with the Company The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Sida for the Monitoring of the project “Further implementation of the Industrial Emissions Directive in Serbia” implemented by the “Cleaner Production Center Serbia” faculty of Metallurgy, University of Belgrade. Dvoper ltd. will provide monitoring services for the whole project period to […]
http://dvoper.rs/dvoper/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/sida.png80152dvoperhttp://dvoper.rs/dvoper/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Logo-1.pngdvoper2018-06-08 21:48:302018-09-26 21:50:43Contract is signed with The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, SIDA for the Monitoring of the project “Further implementation of the Industrial Emissions Directive in Serbia”
Submitted the Request for issuing an Integrated Permit for the operation of the plant “MG Serbien” Ltd. Baljevac and performance of magnesium alloy production activities at the Bela Stena in Baljevac
On September 26, 2022, the Request for issuing an Integrated Permit was submitted for the operation of the plant “MG Serbien” Ltd. Baljevac and the performance of magnesium alloy production activities, at the location Bela Stena in Baljevac, prepared according to the Law on Integrated Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution (“Official Gazette of RS”, no. 135/2004 and 25/2015).
Prepared Local Action Plan for adaptation to climate change for the Municipality of Mionica
The company Dvoper d.o.o. developed the Local Action Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change for the Municipality of Mionica, using a participatory approach and the Methodology for Local Action Planning Adaptation to Climate Change, developed by the Permanent Conference of Cities and Municipalities with the support of UNDP. The local plan was created in close cooperation with representatives of local authorities in the municipality of Mionica and within the project Advancing medium and long-term adaptation planning in the Republic of Serbia, which was financed by UNDP Serbia.
Air Quality Plan developed for the Novi Sad agglomeration for the period 2022-2026
Dvoper Ltd. developed the Air Quality Plan for Air Quality Protection in the Novi Sad Agglomeration, for the period 2022-2026, which, based on the Law on Air Protection, is an obligation of the local self-government in which air quality is of the third category. After public consultation that was held on August 5, 2022 in the premises of the City Administration of Novi Sad, the Plan was sent to the Ministry of Environmental Protection for approval.
Submitted the Request for issuing IPPC Permit for the Regional communal-sanitary landfill “Vrbak” Lapovo, first, second and third phases “FCC EKO” Ltd. Belgrade
On May 20, 2022, a Request for obtaining the Integrated Permit was submitted for the Regional communal-sanitary landfill “Vrbak” Lapovo, first, second and third phases “FCC EKO” Ltd. Belgrade, according to the Law on Integrated Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution (“Official Gazette of RS”, no. 135/2004 and 25/2015).
The Approval was obtained for the Environmental Impact Assessment Study of the Project of construction of the Belgrade Metro, Line 1, Phase 1 – Makiš Depot, Belgrade, Municipality of Čukarica
The Ministry of Environmental Protection issued the Decision on giving Approval to the Environmental Impact Assessment Study of the project of the construction project of the Belgrade Metro, Line 1, Phase 1 – Makiš Depot, Belgrade, Municipality of Čukarica. The project holder is PUC for the construction and carrying out transportation of passengers by metro and the development of the city railway in Belgrade “Belgrade Metro and Train” Belgrade.
Obtained IPPC Permit for Zaječar Brewery
The City Administration of the City of Zaječar gave consent to the Request for obtaining the Integrated Permit for the environmental pollution prevention and control, which was prepared by the company Dvoper. With this, Zaječar Brewery became the first brewery in Serbia to have an IPPC Permit and thus once again confirmed its commitment to constant improvement of its business and production in accordance with the highest standards of environmental protection.
Obtained Approval for the Updated Environmental Impact Assessment Study for the Project of rehabilitation, adaptation and reconstruction of navigation lock HPP “Đerdap 2”
Within the Program “EU Project Preparation Facilities” (EU PPF7), an Environmental Impact Assessment Study of the project for rehabilitation, adaptation and reconstruction of the navigation lock HPP “Đerdap 2” was prepared. The project holder is the Department for waterways transport and navigation safety of the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, and the Project is financed from the budget of the European Union and the European Investment Bank.
„Baseline study on hazardous waste management in Yerevan, Warsaw and Tirana“
Dvoper d.o.o. prepared a study “Baseline study on hazardous waste management in Yerevan, Warsaw and Tirana” within the project “Capital Cities collaborating on Common Challenges in Hazardous Waste Management – Yerevan, Warsaw, Tirana (ENI/2019/412-943)”.
Air Quality Plan developed for the Kragujevac agglomeration
Dvoper d.o.o. developed the Air Quality Plan and the Short-Term Action Plan for Air Quality Protection in the Kragujevac Agglomeration, which, based on the Law on Air Protection, is an obligation of the local self-government in which air quality is of the third category. After public consultations that were held in the premises of the City Administration of Kragujevac, the Plan was sent to the Ministry of Environmental Protection for approval.
The Approval was obtained for the Environmental Impact Assessment Study of the Project of mining works within the exploitation of solid mineral raw materials at the location of Čukaru Peki
The Ministry of Environmental Protection issued the Decision on giving Approval to the Environmental Impact Assessment Study of the project of mining works within the exploitation of solid mineral raw materials at the location of Čukaru Peki, on the territory of cadastral municipalities Brestovac, Slatina and Metovnica, Bor. The issuing of the Decision was preceded […]
Approval obtained for Environmental Impact Assessment Studies for Projects: New landfill with supporting facilities at Vinča site and Construction of municipal waste and landfill gas plant “Vinča”
After years of dedicated work, we are pleased to announce that on September 30, the Ministry of Environmental Protection issued a Decision approving environmental impact assessment studies for new landfill projects with associated facilities at the Vinča site in Belgrade and the construction of the facility for energy utilization of municipal waste and landfill gas […]
Local Environmental Action Plan of the Municipality of Malo Crniće was prepared
The company Dvoper ltd prepared the Local Environmental Action Plan of the Municipality of Malo Crniće for the period from 2020 to 2025, which was presented to representatives of the Municipality of Malo Crniće, the Public Utility Company and the interested public. Adoption of the document is scheduled for September.
Submitted The Request for defining the scope and content of Environmental Impact Assessment Study for the Project: New landfill with the accompanying facilities at Vinča location in Belgrade
The Company Dvoper ltd. drafted the Request for defining the scope and content of Environmental Impact Assessment Study for the Project: New landfill with the accompanying facilities at Vinča location in Belgrade, Municipality Grocka – City of Belgrade, the Investor being the Company “Beo Čista Energija“ ltd. The Request was drafted in accordance with […]
Issued Integrated Permit (IPPC) for Titan Cementar Kosjerić d.o.o.
On 17 July 2018, the Ministry of Environmental Protection issued a Decision on the issuance of an Integrated Permit for the operator TITAN CEMENTARA KOSJERIĆ ltd, number 351-01-00372/2018-03 for the operation of the entire plant and performing activities of cement production at the location of the municipality of Kosjerić. The decision was made pursuant […]
Contract is signed with The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, SIDA for the Monitoring of the project “Further implementation of the Industrial Emissions Directive in Serbia”
Dvoper ltd. signed a contract with the Company The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Sida for the Monitoring of the project “Further implementation of the Industrial Emissions Directive in Serbia” implemented by the “Cleaner Production Center Serbia” faculty of Metallurgy, University of Belgrade. Dvoper ltd. will provide monitoring services for the whole project period to […]