Drafting of the Action Plan for reaching the limit values of pollutants emissions in waters for the Frozen Food Industry Frikom ltd. from Belgrade

For the needs of fulfilling the requests defined by the newly adopted Regulation on changes and amendments to the Regulation on emission limit values of pollutants in waters and deadlines for their achievement (“Off. Gazette RS”, No. 67/11, 48/12 i 01/2016), the company Frikom ltd, employed the company Dvoper ltd to draft the Action Plan for reaching the limit values of pollutants emissions in the water.

Namely, in accordance with the requests of the new Regulation and Law on Environmental Protection, every legal entity or entrepreneur which has a waste water treatment plant and/or discharges its waters into the recipient or in the public sewer, is obliged to conform its emissions with the limit values for pollutants emissions in waters, defined by the regulation, at latest until 31st of December 2025. The regulation also provides that every legal entity or entrepreneur, which has a treatment plant which discharges its waters into the recipient or public sewer is obliged to draft and adopt the Action Plan for reaching the limit values of pollutants emissions in waters which will determine the deadlines for gradual reaching of provided limit values, and which will define future actions. A legal entity or an entrepreneur, is obliged to submit a report on the implementation of the Action Plan to ministries responsible for environmental protection and water management, every two years from the date of adoption of the Action Plan.